List of Tamil words in Mursi language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Mursi language
Dr. Variankaval Ramasamy Annadurai; MD; DPM;
The Mursi (or Mun as they refer to themselves) are a Surmic ethnic group in Ethiopia. They principally reside in the Debub Omo Zone of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People's Region, close to the border with South Sudan. According to the 2007 national census, there are 11,500 Mursi, 848 of whom live in urban areas; of the total number, 92.25% live in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People's Region (SNNPR).
Surrounded by mountains between the Omo River and its tributary the Mago, the home of the Mursi is one of the most isolated regions of the country. Their neighbours include the Aari, the Banna, the Mekan, the Karo, the Kwegu, the Nyangatom and the Suri. They are grouped together with the Me'en and Suri by the Ethiopian government under the name Surma.
The Mursi speak the Mursi language as a mother tongue. It is a part of the Surmic language family. Mursi is closely related (over 80% cognate) to Me'en and Suri, as well as Kwegu. According to the 1994 national census, there were 3,163 people who were identified as Mursi in the SNNPR; 3,158 spoke Mursi as their first language, while 31 spoke it as their second language. According to the analytical volume of the 1994 national census, where Mursi was grouped under Me'en, 89.7% were monolingual, and the second languages spoken were Bench (4.2%), Amharic, which serves as one of the six official languages of Ethiopia. (3.5%), and Kafa (1.1%).
Two orthographies for the Mursi language exist. One is the Amharic-based, although the Mursi language is one of the Surmic languages with incompatible vowel structures and stressed and unstressed consonants compared to Amharic. The second is the more suitable Latin-based alphabet. The Latin-based orthography was developed by David Turton and Moges Yigezu of Addis Ababa University.

Clues to read Mursi words into Tamil
Letter ‘k’ = ‘v’; v= ‘ka’; letter ‘Ra’= ‘la’.
Add vowels then and there.
Letter ’p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
Add letters ‘m’ and ‘n’ then and there.
A consonant letter can be read more than once.
If a same letter occurs consecutively more than once it can be read as a single letter.
By jumbling the letters of the given Japanese word, a Tamil word can be derived.
Ref- Mursi- English -Amharic Dictionary – David Turton – Moges Yigezu and Olisarali Olibui .
English- Mursi- Tamil
* cook- aga- aakku ; cook[E] = aakku .
*2.come here- aiwunga- wankka / come / polite form
* bite- angiddo- - nee kadi; nee- you- kadi- bite.
*4.I – anyi- naan
* auweso- oaaivu
*6.senior/ elder- bari – periyoar
*7.worms/ moths – bil bilo – puzhu puzhu vaa ; puzhu- moth .
*8.spotted/ animal- boloi – pulli pulli yaa / spotted
9.look back- budhe- pinnaadi paaththidu ; letters are read more than once ; pinaadi- back; paththidu- see.
* in passing -bharrito – paarththida
*11.split- bhela- pila
*12.a handle- kio- kai
13.cut up into stripes- bhirrido – aruththidu/ cut
14.sun- eliso – ellai ; root word is oli- light .
15.leopard- charr-siruththai
*16.young/ small- chinyi- sinna
*17.boil/ water - chita- sooddu
18.suck- chobosa –sappu
19.have sex with – choka- seika / do; oaakka /fuck
20.feather- chore- siraku
*21.too small / clothes- churreonyeo- siriyana / small ones
*22.father- dada- thathai
23.home- de-idam
*24.wipe- dirro- - thudaiththar
25.pot made of aluminium – diski- daeksa ;letters are jumbled.
26.tread on- dogo – mithikka
27.vagina - dokku – koothi ; letters are in reversed order. dori- thaar
* durioyo – aaduthar
*30.hit- dhaga- adikka
*31.stop- dhaga- thadukka
*32.strike- dhaga- thakka
33.add- dhalle- saeththal
34.pick up- dhonga- edukka
35.put down- dhonga- iduka
* /soil- dhor- tharai
37.hill- dhum – thadam
* eliyo – azhai
39.make pregnant- edhenyo- yaeththu / mount
*40.die- erra- era; erappu/ death.
*41.tear-erreya- aru
42.think about- essedha- sinthiththidu
*43.wait- ga- kakka
44.know-ganno –kaana
*45.look /see- gunyo- kaana
46.small hoe- galta- kalai koththu ;letters are read more than once.
47.wooden bowl- gawattey-kattai kinnam / kudam ; kattai- wood ; kudam- pot; kinnam- cup .
*48.bone- gigey- akku
49.ask- gino- kaekkanum
* go-akki; akkini [Indo Iranian ]
51.a kind of bird- godhoy - kaadai ; koattaan / owl .
52.grinding stone- golu- ammi-k- kal; kal- stone. gori-mukir
*54.path- goro- kiri
55.bee hive- goidoi- thaen koodu ; thaen- honey.
*56.flour-guttuma- kuththiya maa; kuththiya- pounded; maa- flour
*57.similar/ same – heto – oththa
58.give birth- hudhugee- peeththiduka ;eenniduka .
59.brush away flies- idhara- thuraththuthar ;letters are read more than once.
*60.equal- idhoy- oththa
61.impotent- ilel- aanami illai ;aanmai- manliness; illai- nil .
* nee
*63.light a fire-itimo- thee moottu ; letter ‘t’ is read more than once; thee- fire . kali –pakal ; kizhamai / day
*65.utensil for string porridge- kalma - kalam
66.arm pit- kaluge- akkul ; letters are jumbled ;kai kuzhi- kai- arm; kuzhi- pit.
67.soup- kanjia- kanjee/ porridge
68.cup- kedem – kudam/ pot
*69.cut- kedha- kaathu
70.rabbit-keley- kuzhi muyal
71.river- kidho- kaedam ; kadakam .
* house- kodha- kattu
*73.spearing/ hollowing out with a spear – kodha- kudaiya / hollow out; kuththu /spea .
*74.speared by a thorn- kodha- kuththa
75.large cattle bell- kodha- kandam
* dark- korroi- kariya
*77.time- kuli- kaalam
*78.snore-kurutto - kurattai
79.hole- lug-kuzhi; letters are in reversed order.
*80.mother- mamma- amma
*81.breast/ female- maddi-madi
82.placenta- mommu- maavu
*83.our- nau – naum
* nano- en
*85.your- nui/ nunu – un ; nin .
* inkae
87.elephant- ngoro- karini ; kariya aanai letters are jumbled ;kariya- dark/ black ;aanai- elephant .
*88.go- oka- yaeku
*89.home- orr- arai
*90.body- rre- uru -sara – peyar
*92.urine- shorra- siru neer ; neer- water; sirumai- lowness.
*93.father- shune- achchan;eesan .
*94.tasty- shwe- suvai
95.blow/ the fire - taba- uoothu / blow
*96.put on/ put- tadha- uduththu / put on; ittidu/ put.
* taan- theeni
98.become- tewa- aayida
*99.carry- teya- eduththidu
100.spread of fire-toga- thee ettuka ;thee- fire; ettuka- to spread.
101.kill- toodha- adiththidu; idiththidu .
* /animals-toka- oaattuka
103.herd cows- toka- maeiththiduka
104.spit- tuho- thuppu ;thoo thoo.
105. cattle enclosure- tui –patti/ pen
*106.sleep- tunga- thoonkku /to sleep
*107.door- tuttu –thatti
*108.shake- udulo – aattuthal
109.warm- uduso- soodu; letters are in reversed order.
*110.wipe- uhodo –thudai
*111.flea- unyoi- unni
112.throw away – urrudo - erinthidu
113.river Omo -warr- yaaru ; aruvi ; letters are in reversed order.